Posted: October 16th, 2022

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In this section, the student will work on Part 1 Section A of the Course Project, corresponding to the Project Charter for the Getta Byte project.;
Use of the Word template provided, which contains important information on how to complete Section A of your Course Project.
To complete this assignment follow the steps below.
Watch the video and read the video transcript located in The Getta Byte – Project Charter section of the Week 1: Introduction and Lesson.
Enter the information provided in the video into Section A of your Word document.
Improve the various Project Charter sections by elaborating and expanding on the information provided in the video. Be creative!
The blue font text in the template is there to guide you with the assignment and help you brainstorm how to improve the basic information provided in the Week 1 video. Delete all text in blue before submitting your assignment.
The student will complete the following project charter sections for this assignment:
Project Description
Business Need
Acceptance Criteria
High-level Project Assumptions
High-level Project Constraints
Project Exclusions
Major Project Risks
In this section, the student will continue working on Part 1 Section B of the Course Project, corresponding to the stakeholder engagement plan for the Getta Byte project.
To complete Section B, use the Word document created in Section A of the Course Project, and follow the steps below.
Watch the video located in The Getta Byte section of the Week 2: Introduction and Lesson. The video contains important information to complete the Stakeholder Engagement Plan for the Getta Byte project. See timeframe [1:08].
Enter the information provided in the video in Section B of your Word document.
The information on the video is incomplete. The student’s job is to improve the stakeholder engagement plan by elaborating and expanding on the information provided in the video. Be creative! Make sure to identify at least 3 more stakeholders in addition to the 12 stakeholders listed in the Getta Byte video and complete the register.
For extra help, locate the worksheet “B. Stakeholder Engagement Plan” in the Excel template for this course. The worksheet contains instructions on how to complete the stakeholder engagement plan in your Word document. Particularly, pay attention to the prescribed engagement strategies described on the worksheet.
The blue font text in the template is there to guide you with the assignment and help you brainstorm how to improve the basic information provided in the Week 2 video. Delete all text in blue before submitting your assignment.

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