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– Performance Management Project
Portfolio Project Directions and Rubric
This Portfolio Project is worth 20% of your overall grade.
Completing this Assessment will help you to meet the following outcomes:
Course Outcomes
Demonstrate leadership and teamwork through collaborative decision-making processes. Program Outcomes
Evaluate ethical and multicultural issues within a diverse workplace environment.
Institutional Outcomes Thinking Abilities – Employ strategies for reflection on learning and practice in order to adjust learning processes for continual improvement.
Community and Career – Participate in social, learning, and professional communities for personal and career growth.
Deliverable items for the Portfolio Project will be required at different points during the course. Details for each submission are included below in the Deliverable Descriptions. Directions
Performance management applies to every organization. In business, the goal is to assess and support employee performance to successfully meet the needs and expectations of the company. This portfolio project has three scenarios and your role in each is one of the managers for the company who will collaborate with your colleagues to make workplace decisions. After reading the scenario, answer the questions prompts using APA guidelines. Although there are three scenarios, you must combine them into one Word document for your final submission This means, when you submit your final version, all three scenarios will be on one Word document. Deliverable Descriptions
Week 3: Due by the end of Week 3 at 11:59 pm, ET.
Read the following scenario and then, in at least 300 words, answer the subsequent question prompts.
Scenario 1
One of the employees has been arriving to work late, and also taking extra-long lunch breaks. This behavior has happened multiple times this month. The situation is causing conflict and is negatively impacting other employees. Explain to the management team their responsibilities in this type of situation.
Describe some goals and outcomes for the employee that can help improve their behavior (be specific).
Provide some options and possible repercussions of this behavior to your colleagues.
Discuss what you feel was the most appropriate course of action. Provide in-text citations and resources to help support your recommendations and management responsibilities.
Submit your Word document with the responses to the prompts for this scenario in Blackboard.
Week 5: Due by the end of Week 5 at 11:59 pm, ET.
Read the following scenario and then, in at least 300 words, answer the subsequent question prompts.
Scenario 2
You are one of the managers for 11 employees that are from different backgrounds and culturally diverse. The management team noticed two employees from one of the diverse culture backgrounds laughing loudly at their desks and interacting with their co-workers in a terse tone while making disrespectful facial expressions. The two employees’ behavior has been addressed with them. However, the laughing and poor interactions has gotten worse. In addition to the above referenced behavior, the two employees tend to not reply to work-related email messages and phone calls from one male and one female co-worker.
Explain to the management team their responsibilities in this type of situation.
Describe some goals and outcomes for the employee that can help improve their behavior (be specific).
Provide some options and possible repercussions of this behavior to your colleagues.
Discuss what you feel was the most appropriate course of action. Provide in-text citations and resources to help support your recommendations and management responsibilities.
Adding on to the Word document from Week 3, submit your responses to this scenario in Blackboard. Week 7: Final Submission to ePortfolio
Due by the end of Week 7 at 11:59 pm, ET.
Read the following scenario and then, in at least 300 words, answer the subsequent question prompts.
Scenario 3
The management team is concerned about the continuing performance of one of employees in your department. The employee is a single mother, African-American, and has worked at the company for 10 years. She had worked the same job for 9 of those years, but this past year was hired into your department and is still within her 1-year probation period. She continues to struggle to do the job and is on an improvement plan. Unfortunately, she is not improving, and the process may lead to termination. You are aware that various aspects of employment law can come into play (At-Will clauses, discrimination, documentation, etc.). Explain to the management team their responsibilities in this type of situation.
Describe some goals and outcomes for the employee that can help improve their behavior (be specific).
Provide some options and possible repercussions of this behavior to your colleagues.
Discuss what you feel was the most appropriate course of action. Provide in-text citations and resources to help support your recommendations and management responsibilities.
This week is the final submission of your Portfolio Project. Incorporate your instructor’s feedback, make any additional corrections, and combine each scenario into one document. Upload your final document into your ePortfolio to the following Program Outcome. Make sure to use the following naming convention: BUSS410 – Portfolio Project:
Evaluate ethical and multicultural issues within a diverse workplace environment.
For directions on how to upload your project to your ePortfolio, please see Student Resources in Blackboard on the navigation pane. Week 7.5: Reflection
Due by the end of Week 7.5 at 11:59 pm, ET.
For the final piece of this Portfolio Project, you will reflect upon this course and how it directly relates to your future workplace.
This reflection will be delivered in a Word document approximately one page in length. For this reflection:
Analyze the importance of this project and describe how it will benefit you while working in your current and/or future career.
In your own words reflect on how this project helped you gain the knowledge and skills needed to perform the Program and Institutional outcomes listed on the first page in the workplace.
Upload and submit your final reflection. BUSS410 – Portfolio Project Grading Rubric – Weeks 3 and 5 Submissions
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Needs Improvement
Quality of Content 80 points
72-80 points
All given prompts are answered in sufficient detail. Statements are clear and concise. Several concepts are discussed from the lecture material, and additional research. Word count is at least 300.
56-71 points
Most of the question prompts are answered. There should be more detail for clarity. At least two concepts are discussed from the lecture material, and additional research. Word count is between 250 – 300.
0-55 points
Most of the question prompts are not answered in enough detail. There is one or no concepts discussed. Word count is below 250 words each.
APA Formatting, Citations, References
10 points
10 points
All APA formatting guidelines are followed. At least one in-text citation and one reference provided. References are from peer-reviewed sources.
7-9 points
There are 1-4 errors in APA formatting and all are minor. At least one in-text citation and one reference provided. References may not from peer-reviewed sources.
0-6 points
Major APA formatting mistakes are made. Either the in-text citation or reference is missing.
Grammar 10 points
10 points
No spelling and/or grammatical errors.
7-9 points
1-3 spelling and/or grammatical errors.
0-6 points
4 or more spelling and/or grammatical errors.
Instructor Comments:
Total Points:
BUSS410 – Portfolio Project Grading Rubric
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Needs Improvement
Introduction & Conclusion
20 points
16-20 points
Introduction briefly summarizes what the paper will discuss. Writing captures the attention of the reader. Conclusion summarizes and ties everything together.
11-15 points
Introduction touches on the subject matter but is not clear or detailed enough. Conclusion is included but is not completely clear or not linking concepts.
0-10 points
Introduction or conclusion is missing.
Quality of Content 60 points
51-60 points
All given prompts are answered in sufficient detail. Statements are clear and concise. Several concepts are discussed from the lecture material, and additional research. Each scenario word count is at least 300.
41-50 points
Most of the question prompts are answered. There should be more detail for clarity. At least two concepts are discussed from the lecture material, and additional research. Each scenario word count is between 250 – 300.
0-40 points
Most of the question prompts are not answered in enough detail. There is one or no concepts discussed. The scenarios word counts are below 250 words each.
APA Formatting, Citations, References
10 points
8-10 points
All APA formatting guidelines are followed. At least one in-text citation and one reference are used in every scenario response. References are from peer-reviewed sources.
5-7 points
There are 1-4 errors in APA formatting and all are minor. There is at least one in-text citation and one reference in each scenario response but are not from peer-reviewed sources.
0-4 points
Major APA formatting mistakes are made. Either the in-text citation or reference is missing.
Grammar 10 points
10 points
No spelling and/or grammatical errors.
7-9 points
1-3 spelling and/or grammatical errors.
0-6 points
4 or more spelling and/or grammatical errors
Instructor Comments:
Total Points:
BUSS410 Portfolio Project Reflection Grading Rubric
Meets Expectations
Needs Improvement
80 Points
72 – 80 points
Provided a detailed summary of how the Portfolio Project helped meet the workplace capability “Problem Solving”, the program outcomes, and the institutional outcomes listed in the directions. Clearly stated how the knowledge and skills learned by completing the project will be transferred into the workplace. 56 – 71 points
Provided a summary of how the Portfolio Project helped meet the Workplace Capability “Problem Solving”, the program outcomes, and the institutional outcomes listed in the directions. Stated how the knowledge and skills learned by completing the project will be transferred into the workplace. 0 – 55 points
The summary was lacking the connection of how the Portfolio Project helped meet the Workplace capability “Problem Solving”, and the program and institutional outcomes listed in the directions. Did not describe how the knowledge and skills learned will transfer to the workplace.
10 Points
10 points
The document is formatted correctly per APA guidelines. Font style and size is consistent throughout the document.
The document is mostly formatted correctly Per APA guidelines. Font style and size is consistent throughout the document.
0-6 points
The document is not formatted correctly per APA guidelines. The font style and size is not consistent throughout the document.
Spelling & Grammar
10 Points
10 points
No spelling and/or grammatical errors.
7-9 points
1-3 spelling and/or grammatical errors.
0-6 points
4 or more spelling and/or grammatical errors.
Instructor Comments:
Total Points:

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