Posted: August 31st, 2022

Demonstration of Knowledge and Critical Analysis of Assigned displays an excellent understanding of the required readings and concepts including correct use of terminology. Discussion integrates an outside resource, or relevant research, or specific real-life application (work experience, prior coursework, etc.) to support important points.

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Demonstration of Knowledge and Critical Analysis of Assigned displays an excellent understanding of the required readings and concepts including correct use of terminology. Discussion integrates an outside resource, or relevant research, or specific real-life application (work experience, prior coursework, etc.) to support important points.
Presentations will be up to 10 minutes maximum. powerpoint slides afterwards. The presentations should focus on three components: 1) A summary of the major article findings, 2) Contributions of the Article, and 3) Relation to other articles focues on International Business Theory and Practice. Mainly search for articles written by William Newburry on Google Scholar.

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