Posted: November 2nd, 2022

Describe and support your position with research references.

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A Reaction Paper is a research-based response to questions. Your First Reaction Paper includes two questions:
How do leaders’ proficiency in the various aspects of Emotional Intelligence influence their ability to bring a group of people together for productive working relationships? Support your response with research references.
Is authentic leadership necessary to move an organization forward? Describe and support your position with research references.
Reaction Papers Requirements:
Papers must be in MS Word.
Papers must include a Title page, the body of the paper, and a Reference page.
APA must be used for in text citations and the Reference page.
The length of your paper must be at least 5 pages (not including the Title and Reference pages.)
You must include at least 5 scholarly references for this paper.
(Hint for Reaction Paper #1: For the first question, divide your paper into sections for each of the five components of Emotional Intelligence)
Reaction Papers Grading Rubric:
1. Met the requirement for number of references and page number requirement
15 points
2. Wrote the paper in a clear, logical manner with minimal writing errors
15 points
3. Accurate use of APA
15 points
4. Provided thorough answers to questions through critical thinking and synthesized research
30 points
5. Quality of analysis and application:
25 points
100 points

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