Posted: May 17th, 2022

Describe each of 4-Ps in the Marketing Mix: Product, Placement, Promotion, and Price

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Go back to your first homework assignment where you described yourself and discussed your favorite brand.
(For those of you that did not do your first homework, please choose a favorite brand such as Nike, Apple, Disney, or any other.)
Take your favorite brand and do a Marketing Mix analysis on that brand. Describe each of its 4-Ps in the Marketing Mix: Product, Placement, Promotion, and Price as it relates to that brand. You need to address each of their Marketing Mix 4-P components. This requires you to understand what are the 4-Ps, which we studied in Chapters 13-16 and conduct some research online to better understand that brand’s Marketing Mix.
If the brand or company that you chose has many different product lines, to simplify your Marketing Mix analysis you can choose one specific product line. For example if you chose Apple, you can focus on just the iPhone or if you chose Nike you can focus on just say the Air Jordan line.
You are expected to so some research to better understand the marketing mix for the brand you selected, but remember to cite your sources and do NOT just copy and paste articles. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. You can quote from an article, but you CANNOT submit that as your work and you CANNOT expect to just quote articles to fulfill this assignment. You are expected to answer the questions in your own words.
Submit a 250-500 word assignment (of course you can write more) where you describe the brand and each of the Marketing Mix 4-Ps. Below is a sample outline of how you should organize your assignment answer:
Introduction – Introduce the brand (approximately 50-100 words)
Product: (approximately 50-100 words)
Placement: (approximately 50-100 words)
Promotion: (approximately 50-100 words)
Price: (approximately 50-100 words)

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