Posted: November 21st, 2022

Describe each skill and explain in what ways it has helped prepare you for college as well as being successful in the business world.

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At the completion of the thirteen (13) weeks you will have accumulated eight (8) parts/requirements. You will then assemble your eight (8) completed written summaries, a cover page, a table of contents, and an APA formatted References page, into one Microsoft Word document, and submit your professional portfolio for grading during Week 13.
The list below contains the eight parts/requirements for the Course Project:
Business Skills Assessment – For Part 1, you will create a one-page summary discussing the biggest accomplishment of your life. Explain what it is/was, why you are proud of it, and what your experience was like accomplishing it. Next, develop a list of skills and/or abilities that you developed prior to enrolling in college. Describe each skill and explain in what ways it has helped prepare you for college as well as being successful in the business world.
2. Researching Careers – For Part 2, research three career choices that you would like to have or would be interested in. Create a one-page summary describing the nature of the work, the employment numbers, qualifications, training, and advancements for each of your three choice. Additionally, include the earnings of each career choice in your summary.
3. Internships – For Part 3, research three internship choices that you would like to have or would be interested in. Create a one-page summary describing the nature of the work, why you are interested in doing an internship there, and how it would benefit you.
4. Networking – For Part 4, create a one-page summary identifying three people in the business world you could develop a professional relationship with to help you network. Explain why you have selected this person, and in what specific ways networking with them could benefit you.
5. Resume – For Part 5, copy/paste your Resume onto a document. **You may use the attached template resume as a guide***
6. Computer Skills – For Part 6, create a one-page summary identifying and describing your level of proficiency in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc. Additionally, create a chart to demonstrate the percentage of your proficiency in these software programs.
7. Selection of Minor or a Concentration – For Part 7, create a one-page summary identify and describe a specific minor or area of concentration based on your BA Business Major that you are pursuing. Explain why you have selected this specific minor or area of concentration, and how it might benefit you.
8. Summary/Conclusion – For Part 8, create a one-page summary discussing what you have learned throughout the semester while developing your Course Project. What have been your key take-aways from this project? How will this information help you in the future?
Final Course Project – Will be submitted in one Microsoft Word document, as a professional portfolio and turned in by the end of Week 13 in the following required format:
1. Cover Page
2. Table of Contents
3. Eight (8) Finalized Parts/Requirements
4. Properly formatted APA References page

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