Posted: November 11th, 2022

Describe how this approach will be implemented to kick off a community involvement campaign.

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Scenario You are the Director of Diversity and Inclusion. After receiving board approval to invest in your workforce, the community, and environment, you are tasked with presenting your new Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) program to your team. The program promotes inclusion not only internally, but also externally with increased community involvement and the expansion of the organization’s product mix to cater to a larger demographic. Given this is the first time the organization has embarked on a project of this nature, you feel a Six Sigma DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control) approach would be most suitable for this program.
Instructions Create a 12-15 PowerPoint slide (not including the title slide or reference page) presentation to outline the new Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) program. Be sure to include the following slides: 1. Title slide (1 slide) 2. Outline the DMAIC process using the new DEI program. (1 slide)
3. Describe how this approach will be implemented to create an internal DEI initiative. (2-3 slides) 4. Describe how this approach will be implemented to kick off a community involvement campaign. (2-3 slides) 5. Discuss how this approach will be implemented to expand the organization’s product line to include new demographics (geographic region, race, ethnicity, gender, etc.). (2-3 slides)
5. Discuss the sociological impact on the organization’s branding if this program is not implemented. (2-3 slides)
A. Include how this could impact the organization internally. B. Include how this could impact the organizational externally (in global, international, and multicultural environments). C. Include how this could impact the organization financially. 6. Provide attribution for credible sources used in the professional presentation.
Be mindful of the following: * references are required
* Intext citations are required
* speaker notes are required * slides should not be in paragraph form; they should be in billeted form or at least minimize content on slides
*APA format applies to this presentation (title page and reference page)
* get creative and insert links.
Grading Rubric; must follow! A – 4 – Mastery
Demonstrates exemplary attribution for providing credible sources and a professional presentation including writing standards such as grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
A – 4 – Mastery
Comprehensive exemplary discussion of the sociological impacts to the organization’s branding if this program is not implemented. (2-3 slides) Included how this could negatively impact the organization internally, externally (in global, international, and multicultural environments), and financially. A – 4 – Mastery
Comprehensive exemplary explanation of how this approach will be implemented to expand the organization’s product line to include new demographics (geographic region, race, ethnicity, gender, etc.). (2-3 slides)
A – 4 – Mastery
Comprehensive exemplary description of how this approach will be implemented to kick off a community involvement campaign. (2-3 slides)
A – 4 – Mastery
Comprehensive exemplary description of how this approach will be implemented to create an internal DEI initiative. (2-3 slides)
A – 4 – Mastery
Included a comprehensive exemplary outline of the DMAIC process using the new DEI program. (1 slide)
A – 4 – Mastery
Included visually appealing and professional title slide that introduces the project and thoroughly explains the purpose.

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