Posted: April 5th, 2022

describe the impact of a song to my girlfriend who was not familiar with the genre.

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One time I had to describe the impact of a song to my girlfriend who was not familiar with the genre. She is more of a rap and hip-hop listener. I was raised by my grandfather who listened to nothing but Led Zeppelin and other bands we now consider classic rock. Explaining the impact of the works I listen to is difficult because it is completely different than rap and hip hop. As i try to introduce her to this genre, I have to explain to her these songs are important to me because it reminds me of my childhood with my grandfather. As she is someone who is educated and the same age as me at 23, we can both respect different genres of music. Challanges arise when we are in the car together and I want classic rock radio and she wants new hip hop. It can be challenging.

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