Posted: July 3rd, 2022

Describe the key elements of physical evidence depicted in the blueprint and discuss why you believe each is critical to a successful service experience*;

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I have attatched the readings below as well as all my other case studies I’ve prepared to assist with this assignment. Do not hesitate to ask me anything!
Continue with your specific service and a process you want to analyze in its current form. Use the two posted articles as a guide to create a service blueprint like discussed in CH. 8. This should include a diagram featuring physical evidence, customer actions, visible employee actions, backstage employee actions and support processes; plus consider the lines of internal interaction and visibility. It is essential that you think through the tasks associated with this service- first, as currently performed and subsequently, with the needed service quality improvement(s).
Provide specific rationale for the improvements you are suggesting.
(1) Describe the key elements of physical evidence depicted in the blueprint and discuss why you believe each is critical to a successful service experience*;
(2) Describe the (at least four) key customer actions depicted in the blueprint and discuss why you believe each is critical to a successful service experience;
(3) Describe the (at least four) visible employee actions depicted in the blueprint and discuss why you believe each is critical to a successful service experience;
(4) Describe the (at least four) backstage employee actions depicted in the blueprint and discuss why you believe each is critical to a successful service experience*;
(5) Describe the (at least four) distinct support processes depicted in the blueprint and discuss why you believe each is critical to a successful service experience*;
(6) Identify, number, and describe the potential bottleneck and failpoint;
(7) Propose possible solutions/alternatives to address each bottleneck and failpoint;
Also, you are being asked to suggest changes from the viewpoint of the firm. Describe what specific customer research initiatives you would undertake to validate your thinking. First, state the research goal(s). Next, provide and justify the research methodologies you would use as well as outcomes you seek.
You may choose to configure your service blueprint by hand (vs. on the computer). If so, you can scan it into your computer (or take a picture of it) and insert it into your document.

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