Posted: February 7th, 2022

Describe the process for tracking outcomes and improving quality and safety.

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Provide a 175- to 200-word response to each of the following prompts and describe the process for tracking outcomes and improving quality and safety.
Cite 3 references to support this assignment. 1 reference can be your course textbook.
Format your citations and references according to APA guidelines and include your references in the “References” section.
1. What are the impacts of external and internal standards? How would you ensure these are met?
Enter your response.
2. What is the role of continuous improvement in quality and safety? How could you ensure this process is occurring?
Enter your response.
3. What are approaches for employee development in quality and safety? How would you plan this for your own team?
Enter your response.
4. What is technology’s role in quality and safety? How could you use Microsoft® Excel® to help your team stay on track?
Enter your response.
Enter your response.

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