Posted: October 24th, 2022

Describe the responsibilities of the role, including the types of tasks the team member performs.

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Scenario: Your VP has asked you to create a new team for a new product or service the company is introducing. You will be building a team to support the product/service, which will consist of 5–7 members, which you will lead. In this assignment, you will complete the first step in the process of creating an effective team: planning. You will determine the roles needed on the team, describe these roles, choose the tasks assigned to each role, and identify the skills team members need to complete those tasks.
Instructions: Create a 1–2 page plan for your team that meets the following requirements:
-State your team’s purpose. This purpose should make clear the team’s shared goal, what the team does, for whom, and why.
-Explain the specific roles you will need and what each will be responsible for. Describe the responsibilities of the role, including the types of tasks the team member performs. Remember to include yourself as the team leader. Your team can be no larger than 5–7 people.
-What are the skills and/or traits you have identified each role will require and why are those critical?
-Identify and describe three strategies a team leader could use to ensure the effectiveness of their team and why those are important to foster.

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