Posted: March 10th, 2023

– Describe the sample (people who are used to test the hypothesis(ses); are they undergraduate students, working adults, etc.? What is their demographic makeup (race, age, ethnicity, age-range, etc.)?

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Your article review should be between 3 to 5 double-spaced pages, using 12” font (no character fonts, please) and 1” margins.
Pages should be numbered. Please double-space between questions. Title your paper: [YourLastName]_[YourFirstName].Article title (Year of Publication). Please do not add a cover page. Begin the first page with the title, followed by your responses to the questions listed below:
Summary — Summarize the selected article. The summary should describe the gist of the paper, its general research question, data reported, findings or results, and conclusion. Briefly explain what the paper is about and what the researcher(s) found.
Sample — Describe the sample (people who are used to test the hypothesis(ses); are they undergraduate students, working adults, etc.? What is their demographic makeup (race, age, ethnicity, age-range, etc.)?
Strengths and Weaknesses — Explain the a) strengths and b) weaknesses of the article. An example of a strength might be a diverse sample, a very large national sample, or a good field setting (e.g., a real organization). A weakness could be a student sample or a homogenous sample.
Determine if or how the researcher(s) explained any weaknesses in the study.
Synthesis — Answer the following questions:
Why is the article relevant to the course content?
Why do the findings matter?
What are the practical implications for diversity in organizations (e.g., what does the study mean for managing diversity)?
What could you, as an organizational manager in a similar entity to where the study was conducted, or your own organization, do about the results?
How is this similar to or different from findings in the book? (Note where in the book)

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