Posted: October 14th, 2022

Describe three emerging global technologies and explain where each one is on the Hype Cycle.

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1) Describe three emerging global technologies and explain where each one is on the Hype Cycle. Defend your explanation.
2) Research a company that failed because they did not adapt. What technology disrupted them and how long did it take? Think Kodak or Blockbuster. Describe how a particular company or industry was eliminated by a new technology. For example, how did the digital camera destroy the film market? What was the effect of the convergence of these technologies through Moore’s law, the hype cycle and the 6 Ds of disruption?
3) What is the purpose of structuring your ideas in the form of a hypothesis? Provide an example of a specific hypothesis and what problems you could solve based on that hypothesis.
4) Provide the definitions of “independent variable” and “dependent variable.” Explain why they are critical to answering hypotheses and research questions.

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