Posted: February 23rd, 2022

Describe your company’s markets and financial situations during the past five years.

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Multinational corporations (MNCs) are companies that own, control, or manage production and distribution facilities in several countries. For this Final Paper, select one large U.S. MNCs such as Microsoft, Google, McDonald’s, Coca-Cola, etc. You may find a list of multinational corporations by searching the internet (Links to an external site.).
In your Final Paper,
Describe your company’s markets and financial situations during the past five years.
Evaluate company’s involvement in international trade. Has your company been actively participating in exports or bypassing exports, that is, making money from its foreign operations – manufacturing in the markets where they sell – rather than from exports?
Assess your company’s contribution to the U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) and jobs/employment during the past five years.
Discuss any challenges your company has encountered in international trade over the past five years.
Analyze the effects of the U.S. federal government’s fiscal policy and the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy on your company’s international trade.
Evaluate the impacts of any contemporary fluctuations in exchange rates on your company’s transactions with two other countries of your choice:
Country 1: NAFTA country (Canada or Mexico)
Country 2: Non-NAFTA country (an EU or Asian country)
5 pages min

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