Posted: September 2nd, 2022

Describe your main customers. What benefit do you think they will gain from your product or service?

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The reading for this week gives you a good introduction for the course. Using what you have read, you have two options for your international business proposal:
International Business Choice Discussion Post
You should include the information outlined in the table below. Remember that you’re giving your classmates a snapshot of your proposal.
Option A – Entrepreneur
You can take the position of an entrepreneur who has a product or service that already exists in the United States. This proposal will analyze where your organization should expand to first as it grows into a global entity.
Option B – Global Corporation
You are working as an international analyst for an existing global company. The organization is growing and is looking to expand into a new country. This option will be based on a real organization. Your proposal must focus on a country where the organization currently has no presence, or business operation.
What industry does your business belong in?
What product or service will you sell?
Describe your main customers. What benefit do you think they will gain from your product or service?
What do you think will challenge your effort?
Identify 2 countries* for your expansion or choose to go global (which means the whole world will want to buy your product or service; for example, “global” would be an appropriate choice for someone starting an internet business). Give 1 sentence rational for each one.
Use the ebook chapter as your reference. * You will continue building on this in your Week 2 Discussion where you will utilize Library Research and Resources to dig deeper into your chosen countries.
What’s the name of the organization?
In what industry do they do business?
What are their main products/services?
Describe your organization’s main customers.
What parts of the world do they currently operate in?
Identify 2 countries* for your expansion. Give 1 sentence rational for each one.
What do you think will challenge your effort?
Use the ebook chapter as your reference. * You will continue building on this in your Week 2 Discussion where you will utilize Library Research and Resources to dig deeper into your chosen countries.
Submission Format options:
Write your post as a narrative
Make a narrated PowerPoint (max 4 slides, no longer than 3 minutes)
Create an Adobe Spark presentation (no longer than 3 minutes)
Record a short video introducing your international business (no longer than 3 minutes)

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