Posted: July 13th, 2022

Determine why it is so difficult for conventional computing and database management tools to process big data efficiently.

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My class is Information Systems Management
But my part is only 3 pages and this is my part:
Determine why it is so difficult for conventional computing and database management tools to process big data efficiently. You will conclude your work by explaining how businesses are using big data analytics to improve the efficiency of their operations, derive useful insights, gain a competitive advantage, and create values for their stakeholders.
Group projects
Below is the list of the topics each group will work on for the group project. Refer to the attached spreadsheet to find out which topic is assigned to your group. As a group, you are required to use the materials and knowledge you have learned or will learn throughout this course to produce a 10-page paper about an area of information technology that organizations rely on to improve the efficiency of their operations. You can certainly use the Internet and any other resources to find information about your topics. However, I expect you to use your own words to report your findings and conduct your analysis.
The instructions regarding each topic are included in the document attached under the hyperlinks below (project description and instructions section). If you have any questions about your group and your assigned topic as well as the work you are required to do, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Your report length must be only 10 pages in total including executive summary, table of contents, any references used in the process to prepare your documents. You are required to construct double-spacing paragraphs. APA format required.

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