Posted: October 2nd, 2022

develop a new product or service for an existing company.

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BMKT 325: Written Proposal
Word count: 500-600
A major component of this course involves students working individually to each develop a
new product or service for an existing company. Choose a company(YWCA Missoula Secret Seconds Thrift Store)(i wanted to add a online shopping function on the website.)and then write an initial
proposal (500-600 words) that concisely describes the following:
1. The key feature(s) of your new product or service.
2. The problem it solves or opportunity it fills.
3. Its unique selling proposition (i.e. how it differs from the competition).
4. The target market.
This initial proposal should succinctly outline the above information so that the instructor can
provide feedback on your idea. You will then be able incorporate that feedback, expand and
deepen your ideas, and pitch your product/service to the class (Assessment 2).
1. The assignment should be word processed and neatly presented with correct spelling,
grammar, and punctuation. Please use size 12 Times New Roman font and 1.5 spacing.
2. The assignment should be 600 words max (excluding cover page and any references). It may
seem difficult to get all of the information you think is useful into this limited space; however,
part of your task is to determine what is relevant and to communicate in a clear and concise
3. In the event of a late submission without special consideration: 5% will be deducted if the
assignment is submitted on the due date but after the deadline. An additional 5% will be
deducted each day past the deadline. Example: if the assignment is due Friday 5pm and you
submit Friday 6pm then 5% will be deducted. Submitting anytime on Saturday would result in
10% being deducted. Submitting anytime Sunday would result in a 15% deduction, and so on.

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