Posted: October 19th, 2022

develop an industry article that offers advice to new Australian businesses in a chosen industry, in a country in the Asia Pacific region.

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An industry article offering advice for new businesses within an Australian industry to operate in a country in the Asia-Pacific region
Task Description:
You are required to develop a 1000-word industry article that offers advice to new Australian businesses in a chosen industry, in a country in the Asia Pacific region. You need to conduct relevant industry research so that you can provide businesses within the Australian industry with useful guidance on what they need to know about operating an Australian business that sells products/services to customers in your chosen industry and country in the Asia Pacific region.
Please note you MUST choose a country that has been included in the Modules. Refer to the list of acceptable countries. You will need to:
Choose an industry, and choose a country within the Asia Pacific region that new businesses in this industry can operate within. See the list below for some suggestions/examples.
Provide an overview of the Australian industry, and its current importance to Australia. Present statistics on what the industry contributes economically and what jobs it creates.
Discuss political and cultural issues or impediments to doing business in your chosen industry in your chosen country. This can include trade tariffs, trade agreements, political events and cultural differences. Offer recommendations on how new businesses in this industry can progress in a sustainable way with your chosen country.
You should include graphs (if applicable) and images in your article.
The aim of this exercise is to develop an industry article that offers advice for people wanting to start a business in your chosen industry in your chosen country. You will need to use literature to support you. All research presented must be referenced properly referenced using APA referencing, with in-text references and a reference list. While you will focus on the information supplied in modules nine through twelve, information from earlier modules may also be relevant.
You may choose any of the following industries to analyse:
Iron ore
Financial services
Adventure tourism
Industries like agriculture, mining, manufacturing, and services are too broad and you will need to look more narrowly.
Important Information:
Word limit: 1000 words (+/-10%)
You require a minimum of six (6) sources. This can include journal articles, book chapters, websites and government reports. Of these, at least two (2) must be academic, peer-reviewed journal articles.
In-text references ARE included in word limit
Do not use first person
Modules 9-12 are very useful in completing this task. To reference module content, please use the following in your reference list: Griffith University (2021). Engaging Australia and the Asia Pacific: Module X, Topic Y. Accessed XXX (date)

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