Posted: April 20th, 2022

Develop an integrated media campaign for the iPhone 13, emphasizing media opportunities that help show off the new camera.

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Please develop an integrated media campaign for the iPhone 13, emphasizing media opportunities that help show off the new camera.
(Not whole project, just some slides)
Slide 1: Market share of iPhone 13 (2021-2022)
Slide 2:Data/ behavior of existing customer upgrading to iPhone 13 and new customer
Slide 3-5: Digital Display: search ad, media kit evaluations, social media ads (Total 5 million budget)
Slide 6: Promoting on owned media-Apples Website, Apple’s social media account
Slide 7: Goal and how to measure(ROI,CPM….) Including Digital Display, out of home, events,
File below some infos we have so far don’t need to follow the titles and templetes

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