Posted: September 25th, 2022

Develop twelve (12) interview questions to ask an executive based on what you have learned from the three videos.

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As a consultant, you must be able to assess the leadership strength of people who lead organizations, departments and others. A consultant must know what good responses, experiences, and styles are so they will recognize bad responses, bad behaviors, and poor experiences for the highest level leaders. Get familiar with the types of questions that executives are expected to answer.
Get familiar with the best responses for the challenging questions that executive leaders must be able to explain clearly.
Get familiar with Leadership Principles that set strong executive leaders apart from average or poor leadership behaviors. Get familiar with how to handle situations and the types of experiences that executive leaders must have to be considered for executive level roles vs entry or middle level leaders. Be able to RECOGNIZE the most common leadership styles.
Steps for this assignment:
Watch the three (3) videos attached to this assignment.
Re-watch the three (3) videos.
Develop twelve (12) interview questions to ask an executive based on what you have learned from the three videos. Make sure these are behavior-based questions. (you can google Behavior-based interview questions if you need more information).
Determine the best type of leadership style needed for your company based on what you have learned so far. (google the different leadership styles if you need to learn more)
Prepare your paper for this assignment: Cover page
Write out the 12 questions and then provide what you would expect the response to be for each question. (1-2 pages)
For your organization, complete a SWOT analysis on the leadership style you think should be used, based on information from the videos. (1-2 pages)
Provide a short summary on what you have learned from this assignment. At least 500 words – 1 page.
Submit the assignment BEFORE the due date.


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