Posted: July 14th, 2022

Development and Employee performance management. defining the study’s limitations, and finally providing directions for future work.

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need writing the chapter 5 of the dissertation according to a sample example that I will attach later on, the chapter title will be ; “SUMMARY, DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION, AND RECOMMENDATIONS”
This chapter addresses the research questions and discusses the study’s objectives in light of both
the empirical study in Chapter Four ( Data Analysis) and the literature review in Chapter Two. The chapter summarizes the study, discussing the findings from Chapter Four’s data analysis, concluding the study’s findings, making recommendations and advice to the stakeholders on how to improve E-HRM’s impact on Talent Development and Employee performance management. defining the study’s limitations, and finally providing directions for future work.
The chapter should include the following titles/sub-titles:
5.1 Introduction
5.2.Summary of the study and its findings
5.2.1 The study Objectives and research Methodology
5.2.2 Major Findings relevant to the study’s Objectives
5.3 Discussions
5.4 Conclusions
5.5 Recommendations
5.6 Limitations of the study
5.7 Suggestions for further studies

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