Posted: February 20th, 2022

Devotion – Innovation Read Mark 2:21-22 using any version of the Bible. Jesus often brought innovative metaphors and parables to the conversation as He introduced the Kingdom of God.

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Week Four: Devotion – Innovation
Week Four: Devotion – Innovation Read Mark 2:21-22 using any version of the Bible. Jesus often brought innovative metaphors and parables to the conversation as He introduced the Kingdom of God. Here He talks about new wineskins. Describe a situation in your life when you have needed a paradigm shift to see things differently. For example, I have needed to rethink how I teach courses online instead of just putting on-campus content online. 75 words
Week Four: Personal & Professional Development – Innovation
Week Four: Personal & Professional Development – Innovation In 100-200 words answer the following question:
Give us an example of where you have been innovative which has resulted in providing more value to others for the same or lower cost?

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