Posted: June 20th, 2022

Digital Marketing for P&G

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Question #1 (5 points):
Review each section of Ch. 27.
You are a Digital Marketing Manager for P&G. If you are not familiar with P&G (they make Tide, Crest, etc.), go on and get some background on the company.
1. (a) What are the four types of intellectual property discussed in the text? (b) Briefly explain each type (c) Give a specific example of each type of IP for P&G (e.g. P&G’s logo is a trademark). (c) Explain why each example fits with the definition you provided in (b).
2. (a) How long is each type protected? (b) What must P&G do to protect each type (e.g. use, register, etc.)?
Question #2 (5 points):
Review the section on Found Property in Ch. 29.
Mel is having a bad day. He got fired from his job and decides to go to Hamilton Bookstore to buy a job search book.
On the public sidewalk, he sees a garbage can and defiantly strips off his tie and throws it in the garbage can, vowing never to wear a tie again.
While stripping off his tie, Mel unknowingly causes his watch to fall off of his wrist as he is walking into the store. Assume that the watch fell on the public sidewalk.
In the store, while looking through the Career section, Mel takes off his suit jacket and lays it on a nearby chair.
Not finding anything he wants to buy, Mel leaves the store and goes home in a stupor to contemplate his future.
As Mel is leaving, Howie walks in. He notices the tie in the garbage can, grabs it, and puts it on. He then notices the watch. He grabs that as well and puts it on his wrist. While walking to the Home Improvement section, he passes the Career section. Noticing Mel’s jacket on the chair, he tries it on and realizes it is a perfect fit (and matches the tie he just put on).
1. What is the goal of the law in these circumstances?
2. How does the law resolve the ownership rights in each item? Answer should contain (1) what each item is called in legal terms; (2) why each item is considered that particular type of found property; and (3) who owns each item after Howie finds them?
Question #3 (5 points)
Review the sections on Gifts and Bailments in Ch. 29. Also, think back to our discussion on the requirements for a Contract in Ch. 11.
1. What are the three main requirements needed for a gift?
2. Other than immediate performance, what is the primary difference between a contract and a gift (i.e. what is necessary for a contract that is not necessary for a gift)? Give an example of each.
3. What is the primary difference between a bailment and a gift (i.e. what is necessary for a gift that is not an element of a bailment)? Give an example of a bailment.
Do not just copy and paste from the text. I want to know whether you understand the material.
Question #1 (5 points):
Review the section on the Nature of Real Property in Ch. 28.
1. List the six types of real property; and
2. Provide an example of each (not provided in the text).
Note that for the 1st type of real property, I do not want to hear about England. Think of an example that distinguishes this type from the others.
Also note that there is a formatting issue in the textbook. One bullet point includes three types of real property. Pay attention to what is in each bullet point (or better yet, go to the lecture).
Question #2 (5 points):
Review the section on Land Use Regulation in Ch. 28.
1. How do local jurisdictions use zoning laws to regulate building and land use? What are the three primary zones used?
2. How do local jurisdictions use eminent domain laws? Why are these laws used? What are the requirements for a local jurisdictions to exercise eminent domain?
3. What is the key common issue concerning the use of eminent domain and zoning laws as they relate to the owners of the property, i.e. the government has these two powers. what does it mean for the landowner? Do not just give an answer relevant to eminent domain.
Question #3 (5 points):
Now for the toughest essay question of the course!
What are the three primary things that you have learned in this course? Why? Only one thing can be from Modules 13 and 14.

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