Posted: February 28th, 2022

digital security and privacy risks.

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As we read Chapter 9, we studied digital security and privacy risks.  We looked at malicious types of software and the bad actors who use it to their advantage.  The goal of this discussion is to research a hacker and report on his or her online behavior.
To complete this discussion:
1. Perform an online search for a hacker – white or black hat.  White hat hackers serve the public by thwarting cyber security attacks.  Black hat hackers launch these attacks.
2. Provide a summary of the person you selected and the crime or service they provided via their hacking.
3. Using terminology learned in Chapter 9, identify they type of hacking they launched (ex. DDOS, trojan horse, etc.).
4. Explain why do you believe this was the type of attack used.  Use information used last week to back-up your belief.  If the attack type is listed in the article, use what you’ve learned about the type of attack to explain how that method was used (ex. how is a DDOS attack launched?  What steps were taken?).
5. What was the outcome of the hacking?
6. Do you believe this type of hacking was ethical?
Remember what we discussed in Chapter 2 about validating information for accuracy?  Make sure to cross reference your information before posting!

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