Posted: March 15th, 2023

DIRECTIONS FOR YOUR PROJECT PROPOSAL Your project proposal is an up to one page

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Your project proposal is an up to one page document with:
1. Your full name (typed) and the title (name) of your business
2. The MOTTO of your business – a catchy phrase (5 words max) that encapsulates what your
business is all about. Examples are: I got my MPG (Toyota); Don’t feel guilty… feel great
(example project); Your sip to success etc.
3. The MISSION (three sentences only, see example below) of your start-up business (what your
business does, how, and where). You must include the location of the business. It must be
written in present tense throughout without any hesitations and “strives”.
4. A VISION STATEMENT (ideal, long term outcome) for your start-up (please see chapter 5
of THE SOLUTION PATH regarding envisioning). Here you need two visionary sentences that
must be written in present without any hesitations and “strives”. What do you envision for your
business ideally in the long term? Brand recognition? Revenues? Growth? Awards?
Example MISSION statement for a café/restaurant:
Our café/restaurant is a premier provider of healthy and delicious food and beverages made
with the finest organic ingredients. We provide an environment that is an oasis in the city and
serves the people of North Hollywood, CA. Our employees work hard and exceed our clients’
Example VISION statement for a non profit:We are a nationally recognized and award winning community arts program serving children and
families from all different cultural backgrounds. We are a thriving non-profit with supplemental
funding provided by grants and private donors.
Please note:
Simple present: We provide  USE!
Present continuous: We are providing  Okay
Future: We will provide  Do not use!
Strive (making excuses…)  Do not use!
Our mission is to  Do not use!

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