Posted: September 12th, 2022

Discover authoritative primary and secondary research sources and integrate such research with appropriate attribution in apa.

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Assignment 4
Summary from Syllabus
Recommendation report with 1) a letter of transmittal, 2) a cover page, 3) a table of contents, 4) graphs/charts, and 5) APA citation style of all documentation (2,000 words)
The Assignment
For this assignment, you will fulfil the proposal you created for Assignment 3 by preparing a report to the charitable or not-for-profit organization of your choice that is organized to include:
Cover/title page
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Background/Needs Assessment
Research results
Conclusion/Timeline for Future Action
References (in APA 7)
Your report should include at least one graph, chart or illustration properly referenced in APA 7 style.
In the document, introduce your report with a brief “letter of transmittal” cover email to me, your instructor, that includes:
an introduction summarizing the purpose of your report
an audience profile summary of the organization you chose, including their website or main social media address, (one or two sentences, maximum).
any adjustments or changes you made to your final report based on the class peer-review process
Consult the section: “Content Requirements: The Elements of the Formal Report” in for descriptions of each section. Note that this is not a team project.
Word limit
2,000 words
Submission Instructions
Please submit this assignment all in one PDF document, uploaded to Turnitin through the link provided in Week 9 of the COMM 140 course shell.
Sunday, September 11, 2022, 11:55 p.m.
Student Learning Outcomes
2. Discover authoritative primary and secondary research sources and integrate such research with appropriate attribution in APA.
4. Employ informative and persuasive strategies to meet specific communication goals.
5. Demonstrate effective interpersonal and teamwork skills in the design, development, and delivery of sophisticated communication.
Meyer, C. (2020). Communicating for results: a Canadian student’s guide (Fifth ed.). Oxford University Press.
Assignment 4 Assessment Rubric

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