Posted: October 9th, 2022

Discuss and explain how managing scope is different in Agile than in waterfall

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Project scope management, project communications management, and project stakeholder management are subplans of your overall project management plan. They are generally planned and executed differently when managing a project using the waterfall methodology than when using the Agile methodology. Also, with each of these methods comes risks. Your challenge as a project manager is to be conscious and aware of the ways in which you need to execute on these and other project management deliverables, depending on which method you are using. This is important to manage the expectations of your project sponsor and project stakeholders but is also critical to project delivery and success.
For this assignment, use the CTU Library to find 3 articles on managing 1) project scope, 2) project communications, and 3) project stakeholders using both Agile and waterfall methods. Your task is to summarize and discuss the impact of using both methods on project scope management, communications management, and stakeholder management.
Start by summarizing the high-level differences and similarities of both methods, and then prepare a slide on each (scope, communications, and stakeholders) discussing and explaining how each is managed in either Agile or waterfall environments. In this presentation, you are required to provide examples to demonstrate your understanding of executing on scope, communications, and stakeholder management in both environments.
The PowerPoint presentation should contain 7–10 slides, excluding the title and reference slides. These content slides should also contain at least 50-100 words of speaker notes per slide.
The presentation should be formatted as follows:
Slide 1: Title slide
Contains your topic title, your name, and the course
Slide 2: Introduction slide
Should provide a high-level summary of your findings for both methods
Should contain at least 50-100 words of speaker notes
Slides 3–9 (or more): Content slides
Discuss and explain how managing scope is different in Agile than in waterfall
Discuss and explain how managing communications is different in Agile than in waterfall
Discuss and explain how managing stakeholders is different in Agile than in waterfall
Provide examples to demonstrate your understanding of how these project subplans are managed and executed
Should contain at least 50-100 words of speaker notes per slide
Final slide(s): Reference slide(s)
List your references according to APA style

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