Posted: November 15th, 2022

Discuss and recommend business strategies the company might use to improve its performance in the area of focus, referring back to the identified problems or weaknesses.

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Select one company in operation today that is declining in the market or in sales. Select one of the following three areas to focus on to improve the company’s operations (financial management, marketing management, or organizational effectiveness).
Look up income statements, balance sheets, and any other information you can find about the company to learn more about its products, services, personnel, and operations (particularly in the area you plan to focus on in the report). In 3-5 pages, briefly summarize this information to describe the company, document its decline, and identify any problems or weaknesses. Cite your sources and turn in a copy of the company’s most recent income statement and balance sheet.
Discuss and recommend business strategies the company might use to improve its performance in the area of focus, referring back to the identified problems or weaknesses. Search professional business journals and books for ideas so that you can comment in-depth on ways to improve the company.
Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions. Consider market trends, economic conditions, external stakeholders, regulatory threats, financial constraints, or human resource considerations that impact the decisions. You should express your own views; however, support your statements with citations from books and professional journals in the discipline.
Integrate knowledge and concepts learned in several of your emphasis courses for this analysis. (Name the courses, cite the texts, lecture notes, or other sources from the courses to support your statements).
Discuss the ethical considerations related to these decisions and changes, and how you should deal with them.
The paper should meet these additional requirements:
be a formally written paper 8-10 pages in length, 11-point font, double spaced, 1-inch margins
be an authentic original paper written by you without plagiarism
be written from an outline that is submitted in addition to the paper
include an introduction, conclusion, and coherent organization (subheadings, transitions, and topic sentences for paragraphs)
follow an accepted style manual (MLA or APA)
use proper spelling and grammar; do a spelling check and grammar check with the writing software program
include quotes from at least 3-5 sources, one published in the last year
incorporate quotes appropriately:
introduce the quote, include the quote, then explain and critique it
do you agree with the quote; why or why not?
have at least 10 references to sources listed in a bibliography

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