Posted: March 2nd, 2022

Discuss applications of using Preattentive Attributes to reduce Cognitive Load, and how color can help to create effective data visualizations?

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a data analytics discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Discuss applications of using Preattentive Attributes to reduce Cognitive Load, and how color can help to create effective data visualizations?Instructions:A) Post an answer to the Discussion Question (200-word minimum) by creating a thread. This should be done by Sunday Midnight. B) Respond to AT LEAST another student’s answer and post substantive comments on those threads, evaluating the pros and cons of that student’s recommendations. Your comments should extend the conversation started with the thread (also 200-word minimum) by Sunday Midnight. ALL original posts and comments must be substantive (200-word minimum).Include at least one reference in your answer to the question. Your reference(s) should be APA compliant.*Grading Rubric for Discussion Questions is available under assignments tab > Grading rubrics. DO ASAP !!!!
Requirements: fully

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