Posted: February 22nd, 2022

Discuss at least two reasons it is important for people to examine philosophy

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PART A “Major Lessons Learned” Please respond to the following:
Discuss at least three concepts or principles you learned in this course.
Discuss at least two reasons it is important for people to examine philosophy.
PLEASE RESPOND TO CLASSMATE DISCUSSION WHETHER YOU AGREE OR NOT & A DETAILED WHY: Discuss at least three concepts or principles you learned in this course. – One concept I learned was that the class taught me to appreciate and understand the nature of personal responsibility, especially when custom, organizational rules, law or social pressures would disguise those factors. Secondly, the class taught me to see the difference between good intentions and right acts for a person can have good intentions and yet do the wrong thing if the person is misunderstood about what will be for the best or about which of two responsibilities are more important. Lastly, the class showed me what I need to take into account in deciding what is right or wrong for me. It introduced me to moral terminology that is transparent and unambiguous so that I can think and speak coherently and appropriately about moral issues and problems.
Discuss at least two reasons it is important for people to examine philosophy. – Aristotle, Humes, Tolstoy, and the others we talked about are some of the greatest thinkers, and I thought it was a great experience that the class offered different perspectives and how these philosophers examine what it means for an action to be good or be a good person. When people take a class like this, they can better understand their own methods for evaluating whether an action or a person is bad or good.
People can also learn how to read a text and not just accept everything it says but interpret it and consider other perspectives. People are to question what they know and what they learn, and this is what the class offers.
PART B “Goals and Application” Please respond to the following:
Propose two goals you have about how to apply ethics to your personal and / or professional life.

Discuss how you plan to accomplish your goals.
PLEASE RESPOND TO CLASSMATE DISCUSSION WHETHER YOU AGREE OR NOT & A DETAILED WHY: Goals – One of the goals I have to help with applying ethics to both my personal and professional life is to simply Do not do to others what I would not like them to do to me. This saying used to stay on repeat mode when I was growing up, but I understand why it was said so much in my household. If I want others to be kind to me, I need to begin by being kind; If I want others to respect me, then I need to respect others first. I sometimes take this principle for granted and I should not because it is valuable advice that is worthy of living by. Another goal that I can apply is to show more compassion. One way I can do this is by allowing my genuine interest in helping others show through heartfelt communication. I can make a difference by simply listening and talking in a patient, warm manner and being optimistic, utilize encouraging words and concentrate on showing complete understanding.
Plan – I think the best way to help me accomplish my goals and to keep me on track is to take the time to offer prayer. My praying time is the perfect opportunity for me to determine and examine if my behavior is consistent with my core values. This will be my chance to recognize, improve and embrace my values and enjoy personal growth.
this is the book just in case:
Vice and Virtue in Everyday Life 9th Edition  by Christina Hoff Sommers (Author), Fred Sommers (Author)

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