Posted: February 28th, 2022

Discuss gender differences in the perception of flirting behavior as “joking” or “having fun” versus “harassing.”

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Discussion Board Directions:
All students must respond to Chapter 17 question #2. Then choose one more question from Chapter 17 and two questions from Chapter 18 to respond to with a brief discussion  (100-200 words each per question maximum).
Chapter 17
Discuss gender differences in the perception of flirting behavior as “joking” or “having fun” versus “harassing.” Discuss the reasons why gender differences may exist, including biological, cognitive, and social.
Briefly comment on your level of agreement or disagreement with the following statements
Sexual harassment is just miscommunication between the sexes
Women invite rape by their actions, dress, or behavior
Paying for a date implies that sex will be expected.
You are not responsible for your choices regarding sexual behavior while under the influence of alcohol
Define the term rape myths and give examples.
Chapter 18
What is the difference between erotica and pornography?
What are some of the consequences of the ready availability of pornography?
Is prostitution a victimless crime? Explain.
What are the effects of rape on male victims

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