Posted: July 28th, 2022

Discuss how you would plan the catered lunch project by completing each of the following 5 distinct project management phases:

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Task 1: Project Management
A. Discuss how you would plan the catered lunch
project by completing each of the following 5 distinct project management
1. Project Initiation
a. (A1A) Describe the project and the need
for the project. Include information from the provided scenario for support. CLARITY – Describe the project and
the need/demand for the project. Provide
an overview of the project based on information from the scenario and discuss
why the project is needed – why should the company undertake this project?
b. (A1B) Identify three
relevant stakeholders and discuss how the project impacts each
stakeholder. CLARITY – Identify 3 stakeholders and how the
project affects each stakeholder. Note – Your response must discuss how the
project will impact each of the three stakeholders you identify – for example,
how will the project impact the company customers?
c. (A1C) Discuss whether
the project is feasible by addressing each of the three triple
constraint components: scope, cost, and timeline. CLARITY
– Discuss whether the
project is feasible or not for each of the three triple constraint
elements. Feasibility is defined as a
study/analysis that takes all its project factors into account;
describe/outline planned services. Discuss if the initial project plan is
‘feasible/possible’ considering the scope (size/tasks), the cost (budget), and
timeframe (schedule). Discuss if the
initial project plan is ‘feasible/possible’ considering (1) the scope
(size/tasks), (2) the cost (budget), and (3) timeframe (schedule). Your
response must indicate if you think the project is feasible or not feasible for
each of the three components and provide a rationale for your stance for each.
For example, is the project feasible based on the cost and why or why not?
2. Project Planning
a. (A2A) List
three milestones for the project plan and provide a timeline for each
milestone. CLARITY – Identify 3
milestones and provide a timeline for each milestone. A good example of this in real life is
primary education in the United States.
The first milestone is start Kindergarten at age 5. The second milestone is finish Elementary
School at age 11 or the next 6 years. To
complete the process, the third milestone is to graduate High School at age 18
or the next 7 years. Remember a
milestone is something you want to accomplish, and the timeline is when you
want to accomplish it by. Looking at the project scenario, what are three
things you, as the business owner, want to accomplish and when do you want to
accomplish each? Note – there are milestones already identified in the project
b. (A2B) Write
a SMART goal for the project. CLARITY – The word “SMART” is an acronym which
stands for Specific (clearly defined/identify the goal based on who,
what, when, where, which, and why). Measurable (measure the
progress/success) – Achievable (focus on the steps to achieve the goal)
– Relevant or Realistic (is the goal relevant/within
reach/sensible) – Time (realistic target date to accomplish the goal). Make sure your answer is in a complete
sentence (or sentences) and address(es) each letter and all five letters of the
SMART goal for the project in the scenario.
c. (A2C) Identify
two different potential risks to this project’s success and
describe how each risk could be managed. CLARITY – Describe two potential risks/liabilities of the project and
how each of them could be managed/addressed/fixed/resolved. Your response must show: two risks,
and how to mitigate each of the risks you identified. When identifying the
risks, consider the decision the business owner is making for this project and
think of what could go wrong with the project.
3. Project Execution
a. (A3A) Discuss
a way to address being over budget by 10 percent. Include information
from the provided scenario for support. CLARITY
– Discuss how to
manage/address the project being over budget by 10% or $700. Your response should provide one way the
business owner can address or rectify/correct going over the budget. For
example – What would you do if you budgeted $300 for groceries, and you went
over by $30? How would you fix that?
b. (A3B) Discuss a way to address a
scheduling conflict that could affect the timeline of the project. Include
information from the provided scenario for support. CLARITY – Discuss how to manage/address/fix a scheduling conflict that could
affect/disrupt/change the projects schedule.
In your response, first identify a scheduling conflict with the project,
and then discuss how you will solve/fix that problem.
4. Project Monitoring
and Control
a. (A4A).
Discuss how scheduling conflicts and budget constraints could affect the
scope of the project. Include information from the provided scenario for
support. CLARITY – Discuss how both scheduling conflicts and budget constraints
(going over budget) can affect the project’s scope. There are two parts to
this question: (1) identify the project scheduling conflict and
indicate/discuss how that conflict will affect/change the project scope, for
example, will it increase or decrease the scope and how? And (2) identify the
budget constraint of the project and indicate/discuss how that constraint will
affect/change the project scope, for example, will it increase or decrease the
scope and how? Note – you do not need to provide any mitigation or resolve in
your response.
5. Project Closure
a. (A5A) Discuss two ways to change how
the project was planned, considering the timeline and budget conflicts that
were encountered. CLARITY – Discuss two
ways to change how the project was initially planned/developed, discussing both
the timeline and budget conflicts experienced in this scenario. This is a two-part response: (1) discuss
one way the business owner could change project based on the timeline – what is
one thing that could be done differently; (2) discuss one way the business
owner could change the project based on the budget – what is one thing that
could be done differently
Sources – CLARITY – List your sources ONLY If you are referencing work through
quoted, paraphrased, or summarized content and outside of the D079 Course
material. Sources must be given credit to the original author. Please identify
the ‘Big Four’ requirements –
1.Author’s name
2.Date Publish
3.Name of Book or Article with Publication
4.Source Location
Do Not list only a Weblink – please include the name of the website and
any identifiable features like the article from the website.
Professional Communication – CLARITY
– PROOFREAD! – ensure
there are little to no grammatical errors. Please work with
the Writing Center for additional assistance and watch the
Professional Communications Video on the Course Resource Page. TIP: You
do not need to input any information in this section. The evaluator uses
this section to assess your professional communication (sentence structure,
grammar, etc.). Grammarly is a helpful tool to ensure professional
communication. Basic access to Grammarly is free,
but WGU students can get a 68% student discount on the premium
account using a discount code. The following link to WGU’s Writing Center provides the discount
code and demonstrates a short video on using Grammarly to minimize grammatical

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