Posted: July 28th, 2022

Discuss options and considerations for transporting the product described in the scenario to the retail facilities by doing the following: 1. (A1) Identify two different product packaging options and explain why you chose them.

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Task 2: Logistics &
Operations/Change Management
A. Discuss options
and considerations for transporting the product described in the scenario to
the retail facilities by doing the following: 1. (A1) Identify
two different product packaging options and explain why you chose
them. CLARITY – Identify two
options for packaging (materials used) your product and explain why
you chose them. 2. (A2) Identify
two different potential risks to consider when storing your product and
describe how you will mitigate each risk. CLARITY – Explain two potential risks to consider when
storing your product and describe how you will mitigate/resolve those
risks. Imagine that you are taking the
Mandolins from the production line to a storage room to store until you have
enough Mandolins ready to ship. Name two (2) risks that could happen in
that storage room. Then you should provide a mitigation for each of
those two risks.
3. (A3) Describe
two transportation modes to move your product from the manufacturer to
the retail facilities. Then explain an advantage and a
disadvantage of each chosen transportation mode. CLARITY – Describe two transportation modes to move your product
from the manufacturer to the retail facilities in Europe and the U.S. Explain an advantage and a disadvantage of each chosen
transportation modes
4. (A4) Describe two different
characteristics of the transportation management system (TMS) that will
aid in transporting the product. CLARITY – Describe two different characteristics (e.g.,
GPS and RFID are part of the same characteristic and are nor characteristics
themselves) of the Transportation Management System (TMS). There are many different characteristics
(or features) of TMS. Lesson 11 in the Learning resource discusses
TMS as well as other articles on the internet covering “features to look for in
a TMS.” Just remember to properly
source any outside information in accordance with the “Sources”
information in the RUBRIC and mentioned below. B. Discuss how you would address a barrier
or bottleneck in transporting your product to the retail facilities by doing
the following: 1. (B1) Describe
how a barrier or bottleneck from the scenario can affect transporting
the product. CLARITY – discuss how you would address either
a barrier or bottleneck and how it affects/disrupts transporting
the product to retail facilities. You
need to declare what the main problem is and whether it is a barrier or a
bottleneck. A barrier completely stops shipment whereas a bottleneck
slows down shipping even if it is to a trickle. Now, that you have
identified what the problem is and whether it is a barrier or bottleneck, make
sure to state how this issue affect transporting the product
2. (B2) Choose either the Lewin or
ADKAR change management model and discuss how you would apply each step of the chosen model to address
the barrier or bottleneck from part B1.
CLARITY Apply either the Lewin Model, which includes the three steps of Unfreeze,
Change, and Refreeze – OR – the ADKAR Model, which is
the acronym for Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, and Reinforcement. Here is a Lewin
Model video and an ADKAR
Model video to compare. Choose
one, make sure your answer is in complete sentences and references the answer
provided in B1. 3. (B3) Discuss
how you will address an ethical consideration for the barrier or bottleneck from
part B1. CLARITY – Discuss how you
will address/manage/fix an ethical consideration for the barrier or bottleneck from
aspect B1. Sources – CLARITY – List your sources ONLY If you are referencing work through
quoted, paraphrased, or summarized content and outside of the D079 Course
material. Sources must be given credit to the original author. Please identify
the ‘Big Four’ requirements – 1.Author’s name
2.Date Publish
3.Name of Book or Article with Publication
4.Source Location
Do Not list only a Weblink – please include the name of the website and
any identifiable features like the article from the website.
Professional Communication – CLARITY
– PROOFREAD! – ensure there are little to
no grammatical errors. Please work with the Writing Center for
additional assistance and watch the Professional Communications Video on the
Course Resource Page. TIP: You do not need to input any information in this
section. The evaluator uses this section to assess your professional
communication (sentence structure, grammar, etc.). Grammarly is a helpful tool
to ensure professional communication. Basic access to Grammarly is free, but
WGU students can get a 68% student discount on the premium
account using a discount code. The following link to WGU’s Writing Center provides the discount
code and demonstrates a short video on using Grammarly to minimize grammatical

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