Posted: November 13th, 2022

Discuss the dimension that you picked.

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For this discussion, choose any of the following dimensions:
* race/ national origin and the workplace
* appearance and weight issues and the workplace
* disabilities and the workplace
* social class issues and the workplace
* LGBTQ and the workplace
Discuss the dimension that you picked. What did you learn from the readings in this module? What questions do you still have?
You must support your topic with references to the readings and/or other authoritative sources. You also must respond to the discussion questions posted by the other students and to the questions/comments posted about your postings. You are expected to post substantive comments/questions to at least two other students to participate fully in this discussion. Remember, discussions are designed to be student-moderated—i.e., you are responsible for helping one another work through the discussion. I will be checking in frequently but I’m here primarily as a guide and will post comments only when necessary.
Hays-Thomas, R. (2016). Managing workplace diversity and inclusion: A psychological perspective (1st ed.). New York, NY: Routledge

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