Posted: March 30th, 2022

discuss the historical context of the Country’s founding as well as the decisions and actions of statesmen and women who were instrumental in the founding of the Country.

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This paper will require you to discuss the historical context of the Country’s founding as well as the decisions and actions of statesmen and women who were instrumental in the founding of the Country. It consists of 3 parts (below) plus an introduction and references sections. To make it easier for readers to follow your thinking, please discuss the topics in the order presented below. 6–8 pages of content, double-spaced ? Current APA format ? Must include citations from all readings, videos, and presentations for the assigned Module: Week plus additional, relevant scholarly articles (published within the last five years) you select—for a total of 12-15 sources. Please discuss the following: Part 1—Statesmanship, Statecraft, & Historical Underpinnings: A summarization (2.5-3 pages) of: ? Biblical principles of government, leadership, and statesmanship specifically relevant to founding a nation; ? Statecraft—knowing how to get things done in government; and ? Key historical antecedents of the U.S. Constitution and Founding. Part 2—Application to Political Leaders: An application (2.5-3 pages) of those Part 1 principles and attributes to the decisions, actions, and outcomes exemplified in the lives of: ? George Washington and ? Patrick Henry. Part 3—Contemporary Application: Application of the statesmanship principles discussed in parts 1 and 2 to one germane issue or challenge in a contemporary context, not a person in governance. This application section links the principles and examples in Part 2 to a similar challenge or situation today—e.g., a public policy or social issues such as abortion, immigration, defunding the police, etc. (2-4 pages). Synthesize the above with a Biblical model of government and statesmanship. Be certain to learn more and then share your insights regarding Statecraft, including how the persons we study this week maximized the resources of government to actually get things done. MUST USE THE RESOURCES I Provide, in addition to others

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