Posted: October 3rd, 2022

Discuss the origins and evolution of Air Traffic Control.

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Write a 3-5 page paper, not including an abstract, in APA on the following significant areas of ATC:
-Discuss the origins and evolution of Air Traffic Control.
– Describe how ATC has evolved from the first air traffic controller to the various types of air traffic controller facilities and positions that exist today (ATC, ARTCC, TRACON.)
-Explain why each phase of evolution was important.
-Provide a reflection about what you have learned from the examples of the ATC positions you listed in Module 1 that you were interested in. (
– Explain what you learned is the most important aspect of being an air traffic controller.
– Provide an example of an important event when ATC failed to prevent an accident and an example of when ATC contributed to solving a problem. Analyze why one was a success while the other was a failure and how each may have changed the evolution of ATC.
-Include at least 4 references in your essay.
-Please format your paper using APA style.
-Include a Title Page, Abstract, and References, which is in addition to the 3-5 page requirement.
-All in-text sources must be cited using the correct APA format.

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