Posted: May 4th, 2022

Discuss three bases of individual power from the article (reward, legitimate, etc.) which you find in your workplace or other areas of your life.

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Hello, I completed
this assignment already and I didn’t want to plagiarize myself so I was
wondering if you could help me rephrase it and give me a Turnitin report. If possible,
let me know if I need to add anything additional, I will do once I get everything
Here are the
Read the article found here:
Write a paper. Please include the following:
Discuss three bases of individual power from the article (reward, legitimate, etc.) which you find in your workplace or other areas of your life.
Share at least one example of these bases of power are used to influence others. Which of the bases do you find audiences to be most receptive or responsive? Are there any bases of power that you feel could be used in a more positive manner?
The body of this paper should be 3-5 pages in length, not including the Title and References pages

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