Posted: October 6th, 2022

discuss your selected worst company for a specific business environment each week, applying business theory and concepts

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The Assignment asks you to select a “worst” company. This company will be your main case study for the course. You will analyze this same company in weekly Assignments and the Final Simulation Project. You will discuss your selected worst company for a specific business environment each week, applying business theory and concepts. The specific environment is assigned each week.
a “worst” company from one of the published lists provided in the Assignment link;
currently in active operation — not out of business, not in bankruptcy, not sold out to another company or merged with another company;
publicly-traded (so that you will be able to obtain financial and operational information about the company);
a U.S. based company — so that the domestic environment will be the U.S.; (hint: find and confirm the company’s corporate headquarters);
multi-national in its business operations – business domestic location is based in U.S., but also in at least one other country, to provide you material and perspective for the Global Environment study;
one for which you will be able to identify its operations as to the other environments; (hint: do an Internet search of the company for information about lawsuits, news articles of company events, changes in management, acquisitions or sales, union or other employee problems, customer surveys and complaints, ratings on various business lists, the company’s publications on its own website, and its financial statements; if you cannot find much, it is not going to be a good company for you).
1. Identify and describe the company you have decided to use for your assignments.
2. Describe why the company is considered a “worst.”
3. Explain your rationale for selecting this company to evaluate applying the six business environments we will be studying in this course. You do NOT need to discuss the business environments in depth here. Simply explain why you believe this company, with its “worst” issues, is a good choice to satisfy the 6 environments for your study (Domestic, Global, Technological, Political-Legal, Socio-Cultural, and Economic). (HINT: Review the Final Simulation Assignment due at the end of Week 8.)
4. Cite the list source where you found the company listed as a “worst” company.
Attached is the list of worst companies to choose from. Forbidden companies are: Amazon, McDonald’s, Sears, KMart, Family Dollar*** You may not chose any of these company

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