Posted: November 4th, 2022

Discussion 3: respond with at least 50 words, 1 in-text citation, and 1 reference

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DISCUSSION 1: Respond with at least 50 words, 1 in-text citation, and 1 reference
The country our group picked is Nigeria, and they use a lot of the similar things we do, from eye contact to gestures. Another similarity is that Nigeria has picked up English as their universal language. So, it makes things that much more similar to one and another. Another similarity that these two cultures have in common is the diversity of 300 different ethnic groups. This is one of the main reasons why English was picked up and the more traditional languages are less universal in Nigeria. The first real difference comes when you run into a foreign language speaker. If there is no middle language then people resort to using gestures to help communicate between one another. This is more common than in the US because of their location and ethnicity groups. (World Business Culture, 2022).
Thank you.
World Business Culture. (2022). Nigerian Communication Styles. WBC.
(Drake bus390t5dq1)
DISCUSSION 2: Respond with at least 50 words, 1 in-text citation, and 1 reference
Both the countries that is the USA and South Africa can be seen as individualistic and Universalistic oriented this indicates that they love to interact with others. They follow the strict rules while making formal communication while in the case of the USA, the people are freer and they enjoy communicating in a free environment.
The communication in South Africa is considered to be Multi-Focused and Fluid as against the Americans and thus they focus on details of various issues.
High Context and Expressive communication style is the highlight in South African communication and thus It is important for the people to notice the slight differences.
While dealing with South African people, we must have coordination between body gestures and verbal communication. Any misalignment may confuse them. It is also important to focus on a given topic rather than switching back and forth on various issues. South African uses a strict protocol during formal communication so it is important to understand the types of the rule to be followed.
South Africans treat the silence as the person is not interested and thus it is important to have regular and continuous communication to have a stronger bonding.
(Tayaia bus390t5dq1)
DISCUSSION 3: Respond with at least 50 words, 1 in-text citation, and 1 reference
Values represent internal compasses that heavily influence behaviors and decision making, (Sun & Shang, 2019). This being said, values can provide a significant influence on the culture of organizations. Due to values being based upon internal compasses, these overall effects the decisions that are made with organizational needs in mind. Conscious culture establishes the culture of between employees and leadership, this allows for leaders to implement personal views of Christianity or servant leadership when leading organizations. Conscious culture helps benefit and foster the relationships between stakeholders, employees, and trust with the overall organization, (Weindling, 2020).
Sun, P., & Shang, S. (2019). Personality traits and personal values of servant leaders. [Personality traits and personal values] Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 40(2), 177-192. doi:
Weindling, A. (2022, March 31). Conscious culture is all about stakeholder identity. SOCAP Global. Retrieved November 2, 2022, from
(Kaitlyn mgt410t5dq1)
DISCUSSION 4: Respond with at least 50 words, 1 in-text citation, and 1 reference
The values of leaders have a significant effect on the organization’s culture. Values serve as an internal framework that guides choices and actions. These value-based behaviors signify a higher level of cognitive influence over one’s actions (Sun & Shang, 2019). Furthermore, these values develop personal traits and particular behaviors that indicate what a person normally does in various circumstances and scenarios (Sun & Shang, 2019). For instance, displaying selflessness. Servant leaders deliberately put their employees first, even if it means sacrificing themself. They help support employees’ development and success. The concept of conscious culture along with the Christian concept of putting others before oneself can support and lead within organizations because they are both built upon purpose and self-awareness. Conscious culture fosters open-mindedness, integrity, self-awareness, and honesty (Weindling, 2020). This aligns with the Christian concept as it correlates to the ten characteristics of being a servant leader: commitment to the growth of people and awareness.
Sun, P., & Shang, S. (2019). Personality traits and personal values of servant leaders. [Personality traits and personal values] Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 40(2), 177-192. doi:
Weindling, A. (2020). Conscious Culture is All About Stakeholder Identity. Retrieved from,the%20company%20seeks%20to%20foster.
(Romarie mgt410t5dq1)
DISCUSSION 5: Respond with at least 50 words, 1 in-text citation, and 1 reference
Values play a big role when it comes to defining the foundation of the leadership model. Some of the values within my leadership model are listening, honesty, and emotional intelligence/empathy and I consider these different values to be important and the main parts of servant leadership. Especially having good emotional intelligence which comes together with other values that are seen within servant leadership. Emotional intelligence shows the values of listening and being able to read the atmosphere around your followers along with being able to work on de-escalating a conflict.
Van Dierendonck, D., & Patterson, K. (Eds.). (2010). Servant leadership: Developments in theory and research. St. Martin’s Press. ISBN-13: 9780230238268
(Katrina mgt410t5dq2)
DISCUSSION 6: Respond with at least 50 words, 1 in-text citation, and 1 reference
Leaders values play a huge role in not only the shape of their work environment but the shaping of those that they are leading and guiding throughout the way. Values are what create your foundation and build your leadership model because without that foundation it’s very hard to one maintain and respect or have anybody look up to you and want you to lead them or learn from you. It is important to define the foundation of your model clearly so that everyone knows what you stand for and what’s important to you I think understanding your values is one of the first things you should establish as a leader and maintain inconsistency is also something that is not helpful(Patterson, 2010).One of the values that I spoke about in my leader ship model that is one of my top ones is honesty I put a huge emphasis on that because it is something I firmly believe is important having integrity and being honest from the start getting caught in a lie is a great way to lose trust and respect especially as a leader which makes it very difficult to lead those effectively. There are many things that play into a leadership model and that are highly important I think this one is one of the top ones in any situation.
Van Dierendonck, D., & Patterson, K. (Eds.). (2010). Servant leadership: Developments in theory and research. St. Martin’s Press. ISBN-13: 9780230238268
(Katiebeth mg410t5dq2)
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