Posted: November 18th, 2022

Discussion prompt

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If you have ever worked for a company that had to perform a major layoff, sending large groups of employees home and to the unemployment line, you know that it makes for a very somber and stressful day: Saying goodbye to valued coworkers, sharing with them their new financial worries, reviewing the workload they left behind and realizing you’re among those left that need to pick up the slack. And if you’re not anxious enough about that, you’re also wondering—am I going to be next?
On top of being a blow to company morale, when an organization chooses to downsize it risks the result of less revenue and less productivity. So, is downsizing the only alternative?
Discussion Prompt
HR professionals can assist in proactively and creatively producing alternatives to downsizing by using the tools in their arsenal. In this exercise you’re charged with exploring alternatives to downsizing that will save employee jobs and still accomplish the organization’s goals of cutting costs.
Use everything you know about downsizing and everything else you’ve learned so far as a Human Resources manager to come up with one or two ideas to prevent or find alternatives for corporate downsizing. Don’t forget to put a small explanation next to each bullet point

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