Posted: February 22nd, 2022

distinguish among different factors that influence wildlife population levels, including reproductive strategy of the species, history of exploitation, quality of habitat, and climate trends.

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Addresses Course Outcomes 1-3:
distinguish among different factors that influence wildlife population levels, including reproductive strategy of the species, history of exploitation, quality of habitat, and climate trends.
apply knowledge of fundamental ecological and biological principles to analyze critically the impact of human activities including pollution, introduced species, harvesting, and development on wildlife populations and communities.
outline the history of wildlife conservation and management to assess the current status of conservation efforts in the United States and globally.
Goals of this assignment include
improving information literacy skills by studying impacts of alternative energy development on wildlife ecology
developing skills in critical thinking and persuasive communication about the controversial issue of wildlife management through role play
In our society, the pressure to develop new sources of energy is great and growing.  Often, alternative energy sources are considered better for the environment, but there can be unexpected conflicts between any type of energy development and the natural environment. Solar installations in California’s Mojave are threatening the highly-territorial desert tortoise, and corn grown for biofuels may be heavily sprayed with pesticides that poison local waterways. For our role play, we will consider the potential conflicts between wind power installations and wildlife.
There are two components to this assignment. First, you will need to research conflicts between wind turbine installations and wildlife, which may include direct killing of wildlife, ecological impacts of wind development (on land or off shore), climate change implications, environmental justice questions, and other resource-allocation concerns. You will need to choose a position, or character, to defend in the class debate and focus your search on resources that will help you defend that position (whether or not you actually agree with that viewpoint).
At least 4 references in APA format are required for the role play report.
You will need to post a well-developed report of at least five paragraphs, presenting from scientific, economic, and other evidence to support your character’s position on wind power in relation to its wildlife impacts. Second, each of you will need to stay “in character” and take an active, evidence-based part in the class discussion about wild life and wind power development while playing that particular role in the discussion.
You are free to choose any significant role you prefer. More than one person may take the same perspective (e.g., that of a farm owner), but it is recommended that you develop a unique role for yourself. Think creatively and specificallyfor example, instead of just taking the role of “farmer,” perhaps you could be a farmer in New York’s Marcellus shale region who needs extra income from his land to avoid foreclosure, or a farm owner who retired to the same area to hunt and enjoy local wildlife. Here are some suggestions of possible roles:
economically stressed landowner
whale watch tour boat owner
bat researcher
President of the Audubon Society
climate change denier
urban-based tax payer
electric car purchaser
coal miner
Grading (possible total: 25%)
Part 1: Role Play Research and Report (15%)
Conduct research into wind power-wildlife conflicts, using the Internet, books, scientific journals, personal interviews, or other reliable sources. Choose a viewpoint, and write a five-paragraph (or longer) report from that individual’s perspective on why wind power should or should not be developed, any changes that person might recommend in development and regulation, and other energy & wildlife-related issues of interest to that person. Post your report in the “Role Play: Wind Power Wildlife Conflicts” class discussion and in the Assignment Folder by 11:59 p.m. on the due date in order to receive full credit.  Please note that the project is due mid-Week 4 to allow plenty of time for discussion the rest of the week.
The points for this portion of the project will be allocated according to a rubric that will be available in the classroom under Assignments.  Note: 4 references required for this assignment.
Note: your role play assignment needs to be posted in the discussion and submitted in the Assignment folder on the due date. Submission in the Assignment folder is required for your grade to be recorded. Submit file with your last name as part of filename, plus Role Play (e.g., DunlapRolePlayBIOL398N2018.doc).
Role Play Report Rubric
Excellent (91-100%)
Good (70-90%)
Needs Improvement (1- 69%)
Unacceptable (0%)
Content/Information (max. 50 points)
50 points
The report addresses the key issues under consideration with an in-depth analysis. The information provided is necessary and sufficient to discuss these issues.
46-50 points
45 points
The report is objective, and for the most part, addresses most of the issues with an in-depth analysis. The information provided is, for the most part, necessary and sufficient to discuss these issues. A few issues and errors.
36-45 points
35 points
Major inaccuracies or mainly unsupported opinions or weak content and/or minimal supporting details or minimally relevant to topic and/or the report is not objective and addresses the issues under consideration poorly and/or the information provided is not necessary or is not sufficient to discuss the issues.
1-35 points
0 points
Not submitted
0 points
Quality of Writing (max. 30 points)
30 points
The report is well-written from start to finish. The essay is well-organized and clear, and presents ideas in a coherent way.
28-30 points
27 points
The report is well-written for the most part, without errors in spelling, grammar, or the use of English. The essay is for the most part well-organized, clear, and presents ideas in a coherent way.
22-27 points
21 points
The report is not well-written. The essay is poorly organized, lacks clarity, and/or does not present ideas in a coherent way.
1-21 points
0 points
Not submitted
0 points
Referneces and Use of References (max. 10 points)
10 points
All of the references used are important and are of good/scholarly quality. There is a minimum of four published resources that are used effectively in the essay. All of the references are correctly cited according to APA style.
10 points
9 points
Most of the references used are important and are of good/scholarly quality. There is a minimum of four published resources that are for the most part used effectively in the essay. Most of the references are correctly cited according to APA style.
8-9 points
7 points
References used are not important and/or are not of good/scholarly quality and/or some missing references and/or references not in APA format.
1-7 points
0 points
Missing references
0 points
Spelling and Grammar (max. 10 points)
10 points
No spelling or grammatical errors
10 points
9 points
A few minor spelling or grammatical errors that does not detract from content
8-9 points
7 points
A few major errors or several minor errors that detract some from content.
1-7 points
0 points
Many major spelling or grammatical errors that significantly detract from content.
0 points
Overall Score
Level 4
15 or more
Level 3
11 or more
Level 2
7 or more
Level 1
0 or more
Part 2: Role Play Discussion (10 %)
Stay in character when making comments in the “Role Play: Wind Power Wildlife Conflict” discussion threads. You are expected to make substantive comments to at least three postings by your classmates, using information you gathered in your research to support or refute (politely) the arguments of other characters in the discussion. To receive full credit, you need to contribute significantly to the discussion with your posts. Simply saying that your character agrees or disagrees will not earn points for this assignment. Please see rubric below for scoring details for Role Play Discussion (Week 4 Topic 2). Citations are not required in the discussion comments, but they may sometimes be desirable.
Please continue to observe respectful discussion etiquette, regardless of the character you are depicting.This discussion is often the highlight of the course; be creative and enjoy!
Role Play Replies Rubric
Excellent (91-100%)
Good (60-90%)
Poor (0-59%)
Role Play Replies
100 points
A minimum of three substantial replies that significantly contributes to the role play discussion through constructive criticism, critical questions and/or added relevant information. All replies are well written with original thoughts, and minimal direct quotes, grammatical or spelling errors. References are included when needed.
91-100 points
90 points
Only two substantial replies that significantly contributes to the role play discussion through constructive criticism, critical questions and/or added relevant information.
Some issues with clarity, organization, accuracy or relevancy in one or more of the replies.
Some original thoughts, more than 20% of replies are direct quotes, some spelling/grammatical issues.
60-89 points
59 points
Only one substantial reply that significantly contributes to the role play discussion through constructive criticism, critical questions and/or added relevant information.
Major issues with clarity, organization, accuracy or relevancy in one or more of the replies.
No original thoughts, more than 75% direct quotes, and/or major spelling/grammatical issues.
0-59 points
Overall Score
90 or more
60 or more
0 or more

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