Posted: June 23rd, 2022

Do government agencies need to complement their workforce diversity

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· Running Question: Do government agencies need to complement their workforce diversity
approaches emphasizing management and legal compliance with approaches
emphasizing engagement (of workforce diversity)?
· In your
essay, you need to:
· Develop an introduction
discussing diversity, the most common approaches to workforce diversity in public organizations (i.e., compliance with affirmative action
and equal employment opportunity legislation, and
diversity management), and the advantages/disadvantages of such approach. Your
introduction needs to be no less than 10
sentences in length.
· At the end of your introduction, you need to
include a one-to-two-sentence thesis
statement (in bold font) that
makes a clear claim about
the need to complement (or not) the current approach
to diversity in public organizations emphasizing “legal compliance” and “management” of diversity
with an approach emphasizing “engagement” of workforce diversity.
· After doing the aforementioned, you need to start the body of your essay by:
1. Defining
workforce diversity. Start by explaining how diversity is usually defined
(i.e., race, gender, and ethnicity) in the public sector. Then,
introduce a broader definition of diversity (i.e., all the ways in which we are
2. Explain the benefits
of workforce diversity within government agencies
and the larger society.
3. Next, you need to explain the most common approaches to workforce diversity in government
agencies (i.e., compliance with affirmative action and equal employment
opportunity legislation, and diversity management) and the main motivations for
pursuing it (e.g., achieving a
representative bureaucracy). In
doing so, you could provide a
real-life example, either from your own experience or from recent developments in the
public sector (in no more than 40-50
words) that illustrates how public organizations implement such approach to
4. Then, your focus needs to be on explaining the advantages
and disadvantages of these
approaches to workforce diversity in government agencies. Here, you could
also provide a real-life example (in no
more than 40-50 words) to illustrate your points.
5. You then should proceed to discuss why (or why not) public
organizations need to complement their approaches to workforce diversity
emphasizing management and legal compliance with approaches emphasizing engagement (of workforce
diversity). As part of this discussion, you need to offer some
practical suggestions for how public agencies can engage workforce diversity,
rather than just “manage” diversity. Real-life examples (in no more than 40-50 words) would further
strengthen this discussion.
6. After making the case (or not) for the need to engage
workforce diversity in public
organizations, you need to explain the
advantages and disadvantages of such approach to diversity.
At this point, you are finished with the
body of your essay and should proceed to
provide a conclusion. In doing so, ensure that you remind your reader of the key ideas/points discussed in your essay. Then, you need to finish strong
and refer back to your thesis statement.
· · You also need to ensure
that your essay
includes the following elements/sections:
1. A title Page
2. An abstract
(by itself) after the title page (100-150
words in length)
3. An introduction
4. A thesis statement
5. Body of essay:
Paragraphs to:
o Define workforce diversity and explain its benefits
o Discuss common approaches to workforce diversity
and the advantages and
disadvantages of such approaches
o Discuss the need (or not) to complement current
approaches with one emphasizing engagement of workforce diversity and the advantages and disadvantages of such approach to diversity
6. A conclusion
7. A reference list

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