Posted: October 16th, 2022

Do not simply copy and paste material from the company website.

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Prepare a strategic plan that contains the following sections:
Executive Summary
Company Overview (with ticker symbol)
Company History
Products and or services
Mission Statement
Corporate Values & Culture
SWOT Analysis
Management team/Leadership
Financial Outlook (financial predictors)
Paper must be written in 7th Edition APA format using headers, headings, in-text references, reference page, 1′ margins (use template provided below)
Make sure you use adequate, credible and reliable APA source citations to support your work.
This strategic plan will incorporate what you have learned over the past 7 weeks. Your company selection must be listed on either the NASDAQ or NYSE (not OTC).
To confirm your company is on the NYSE and or NASDAQ please use the following links to conduct a search
Nasdaq Company Search
NYSE Company Search
You may review the sample strategic plans shared in the resource section and use them as a guide in developing your strategic plan. Please keep in mind that you must still meet the 20% similarity scan requirements upon submission. Submittals of assignments/papers to previous courses are not accepted.
Review the examples listed below prior to submittal.
Important Notes:
You must include a minimum of 6-9 sources and 3-4 must be from a peer-reviewed source (library/journal articles)
Your paper should be in essay format; not bullet format.
Minimum 12 full pages of content (Word Document) of strategic material (does not include cover page, executive summary nor reference pages); DO NOT GO OVER 14 pages of actual CONTENT (max content).
All charts, graphs and pictures are to go in appendix (not a substitute for content)
Once you submit your document to the assignment folder it will automatically be loaded to TURNTIN.COM within the course.
Strategic Plan requires a similarity scan of 20% or less (the following will be excluded: headers, bibliography, etc. prior to instructor grading paper – focus on content of scan percentage)**
Due Day 7, Week 7 by 11:59 pm ET.
Please make sure you review the below links on what constitutes a paragraph, when to use a comma and the use of 1st person PRIOR to submitting your week one written assignment:
APA 7th Edition

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