Posted: November 19th, 2022

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In a complete essay, answer ONE of the following. Your exam must be a minimum of one page, single-spaced, in 10 pt. Times Roman font. Please do not forget to answer the entire essay question (100 points). DO NOT USE OUTSIDE SOURCES. THE BOOK IS SUFFICIENT FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT. DO NOT USE A HEADER AT THE TOP OF YOUR PAPER.
Celia’s race and gender made her especially vulnerable in the slave-owning South. Assess this statement fully. What conclusions can you draw (include a full analysis)? Use examples from the book to support your ideas.
In many ways, events in the United States regarding slavery affected Celia’s trial. Name at least two of these events, and analyze the effect they had on the trial. You must explain fully why you chose these events, and how they influenced Celia’s case.

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