Posted: October 20th, 2022

Do not use sites such as wikipedia or investopedia as your sources.

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Best Products, Inc., hires Cole to develop and implement an e-commerce strategy for marketing Best’s products. Cole signs a contract that includes a clause prohibiting him from competing with Best during and after the employment. Before the strategy is implemented, Cole resigns from Best’s employ and opens a business to compete with Best. In Best’s suit against Cole, to determine whether Cole may compete with Best, what is the most important factor the court should consider?
Please use the library for your research. Do not use sites such as Wikipedia or Investopedia as your sources. If you use a website, make sure you review APA guidelines as to how to properly format websites as a source. Minimum word requirement: 500; include a cover page and a separate reference page listing your sources in proper APA style. Minimum 2 sources; your textbook can be one of your sources.
Do NOT submit PDF files – I will only accept a properly formatted MS Word Document. Not following instruction will automatically earn you a zero for the assignment.

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