Posted: February 22nd, 2022

Do research online to identify the capabilities of digital asset management software. What are the top rated digital asset management software products

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Do research online to identify the capabilities of digital asset management software. What are the top rated digital asset management software products? Who uses this software?
Case study: The National Audit Office (NAO) scrutinizes public spending in the United Kingdom. Its memoran-dum on the BBC’s DMI project reported on several key findings. First, the in-house team was severely challenged by the fact that the project was already 18 months behind schedule when they began work on the project. Second, the technology team issued releases throughout the project that did not meet end-user expectations and eroded confidence in the project. Third, the BBC focused more on the technological development rather than on encouraging organization-wide changes in workflow that would encourage adoption. Finally, the NAO concluded, the DMI lacked governance arrangements for the scale, risk, and complexity of the project.
Do research online to identify the capabilities of digital asset management software. What are the top rated digital asset management software products? Who uses this software?
Given the NAO’s findings and what you discover about available off-the-shelf products, would it have been wiser for the BBC to adopt a collection of these existing products? What actions would be necessary to gain the cooperation of the business units to incorporate this collection of products into their work processes?
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APA Format
Min words: 700

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