Posted: August 18th, 2022

Do some research on corporate sustainability reports. Research at least three corporations that issue annual reports on their progress towards sustainability. Can you research one company that does not and explain why not? Can you discover whether or not if has plans to change? (300 words)

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Do some research on corporate sustainability reports. Research at least three corporations that issue annual reports on their progress towards sustainability. Can you research one company that does not and explain why not? Can you discover whether or not if has plans to change? (300 words)
A corporate sustainability report entails the revelation of the organization’s impact on environmental, economic, and social performance, whether solicited, voluntary, or required. Sustainability reporting effectively heightens corporate transparency and engagement(Doktoralina et al., 2011). It improves corporate reputations via transparent risk management and social responsibility programs. Additionally, sustainability reports help organizations build consumer confidence. The shareholders and consumers are able to comprehend the8spectrum of the organization’s value. PepsiCo, UPS, and Coca-Cola Company issue yearly reports on their progress toward sustainability. Coca-Cola is dedicated to respecting human rights, investing in local communities, and conserving the environment with its recycling and packaging efforts. The company aspires to make products and brands that are loved by people. This creates a sustainable future for the planet and their business.
Furthermore, Coca-Cola Company focuses on the highest priority social, governance, and environmental issues for their company, stakeholders, and system to enable them to develop and conduct their corporate strategy. As one of the most recognized and most prominent companies in the world, Coca-Cola Company forms partnerships with incredible organizations enabling them to advance ESG goals and develop corporate strategy. PepsiCo issues sustainability reports on the financial returns of the company. In essence, PepsiCo’s sustainability report portrays the progress and efforts towards a sustainable food system. UPS is committed to connecting to the community, implementing a greenhouse gas policy, and empowering its workforce. The business model used by Netflix is unsustainable. Notably, Netflix’s business model encourages individuals to make use of the internet, hence contributing to subsequent energy usage and collective digital traffic. Fossil fuels are used globally to provide electricity; therefore, more internet usage heightens the daily emissions. Netflix focuses on improving environmental sustainability to create a habitable world where individuals can entertain themselves. By end of 2022, the company aspires to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions by focusing on sustainability.
Q1) Sustainability reporting is exhaustive in clearly stating the company’s initiatives towards sustainability and various measures that project the firm’s sustainability results. In the last 20 years, more and more companies are joining the sustainability bandwagon not only to face the regulatory pressures and criticism but also to project a clean image to the customers. But, there are few companies which are not issuing any sustainability report.
Amazon, the US based world’s largest ecommerce firm never produced a Sustainability report. Amazon’s prime focus is customer satisfaction, increasing sales and expansion to various countries across the world. Its 14 core leadership principles are centered on the business aspects and none of these point sustainability or social responsibility perspective. Neither does Amazon invested in the corporate social responsibility activities like charity, environmental sustainability, public welfare etc. Amazon had never disclosed the information related to greenhouse gas emissions, carbon footprint, any activities aimed at sustainability etc. In fact, many of its facilities have hard to worse working conditions and there are many complaints from the employees regarding exploitation. Amazon is able to sustain threats and complaints on its social responsibility profile due to its aggressive nature where it retracted its plans whenever an opposition was faced but never bowed down to the pressure.
Q2) Though Amazon’s willful ignorance to corporate social responsibility didn’t cost it much in terms of its business, its reputation was questioned by critics multiple times and its activities are compared to the competitors which is the reason why the firm has started its journey towards sustainable initiatives. Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s CEO has proposed to build Air conditioning warehouses to its employees and make working conditions better. It has invested in wind energy and solar energy to produce renewable sources of energy for electricity. It started promoting recyclable packaging to reduce industrial waste generation.

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