Posted: November 19th, 2022

Do you believe affirmative action in university admissions, whereby universities consider race as part of their admissions criteria, is needed to ensure that historically disadvantaged minority groups are fairly represented in the student bodies of top colleges and universities?

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Answer following questions:
1. In your opinion, does it matter if colleges and universities have diverse student populations that mirror the diversity that exists overall in the country? Why or why not?
2. Do you believe affirmative action in university admissions, whereby universities consider race as part of their admissions criteria, is needed to ensure that historically disadvantaged minority groups are fairly represented in the student bodies of top colleges and universities? Or is their a better way to ensure it? Explain.
3. Do you agree or disagree with the Biden administration’s student loan forgiveness program and its justification for doing it? Is it fair to past and future student loan borrowers and American taxpayers? Explain the reasons for the positions you take in response to these questions.

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