Posted: February 12th, 2022

Do you believe families create reality (as the social construction approach advocates), or do you think families have to live in reality?

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Learning Goal:

I’m working on a communications multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

The responses are based off chapter two of the reading (“Providing Theoretical Frameworks”).

The questions for this link below are Do you believe families create reality (as the social construction approach advocates), or do you think families have to live in reality?

How do you guys feel about family being an important part of communication?

Because in the chapter they talked about how families is an important asset to communication in ways of building relations within each other such as story telling.…The next question to answer is …Describe the Dialectical Approach to understand families. Explain and give examples (examples can be personal) of each of the dialectical tensions in the family described in the chapter.
Requirements: 200 words each response

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