Posted: February 24th, 2022

Do you believe prostitution deserves categorization as a crime, carrying the attendant stigma as crimes such as robbery, burglary, hate crimes and sexual assaults?

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Prostitution is a crime in virtually the entire United States. However, prostitution is legal in portions of at least one Western industrialized country. Do you believe prostitution deserves categorization as a crime, carrying the attendant stigma as crimes such as robbery, burglary, hate crimes and sexual assaults? Why? Why not? Do you consider prostitution a victimless crime? Why? Why not?
Is it truly a crime against the public order? Who is the victim in the commission of an act of prostitution?
What motivational force causes most individuals to enter prostitution?
Do you believe these forces are predominately cultural, social, cognitive, economic, or psychobiological?
Do you think that most of those individuals who enter prostitution suffer from some sort of mental disorder? If that is the case, are those individuals really offenders? Why or Why not?

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